Raz and Radja

17 Min

Venice Film Festival 2012

Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival 2013

Directed by: Yona Rozenkier

Production: Kobi Mizrahi, Yael Perlov

Actors: Suheil Haddad, Yona Rozenkier, Amitai Ashkenazi, Yoel Rozenkier

Script: Yona Rozenkier

Photo: Oded Ashkenazi

Editing: Or Lee-Tal

Production year: 2012

Genre: Ficition (Comedy)

Topics: Animals, War, Politics

Raz, a tired reserve soldier, guards a broken army truck and Radja, a Palestinian who broke the curfew. The two repeatedly attempt to jumpstart the truck, while a friendly donkey refuses to leave them alone.